Hosting should be simple, hassle-free and affordable. Your own website online within minutes. Stored on super fast and secure web servers that use the latest techniques.
With your own personal e-mail address you ensure that you can be reached everywhere.
Webmail KRD Kurdish Culture .krd Email Services
Access your email via a web browser. Logging into your email account using our web portal provides all the basic email tasks (read, send, file into folders). Microsoft Exchange customers can use Outlook Web Access, which provides a desktop-like experience with advanced options. Such as create calendar events, manage to-do lists and update the contacts list.
With IMAP you can synchronize all your devices so that you don’t miss anything.
Email messages are downloaded to your email app, and then deleted from the server. POP3 is the simplest way to access your email using a traditional email client, however it cannot sync messages across multiple apps or the web (so if you read an email on your PC the message will not appear on a mobile).
Compatible with most email apps, messages are stored on the mail server and copies are available on all email clients. Email is kept in sync between apps (so a read email on your PC also appears, and shows as read, on a mobile). Calendars, contacts and to-do lists are not synced across devices.
Our security features include Multi Factor Authentication, auto-enabled sFTP and free secure hosting with Let’s Encrypt.
You will receive an exclusive .krd email address from us for free. Completely safe and secure which is ideal for doing business and appearing reliable.
With the self-learning spam and virus filter you are always protected against spam.
Email Services include spam and virus protection scanning services for both incoming and outgoing email messages and attachments. All email sent from or to your email addresses will automatically be scanned to assist in preventing spam and/or viruses from being transmitted to or from your email accounts, email clients, and/or computer systems.
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